neovibe questions

Started by jball1985, July 14, 2012, 04:53:34 PM

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#1 If Im using a dc adapter (24vdc 300ma), do I need the diode bridge rectifier.

#2 How do I wire a plastic dc jack to the board (Please clearly state which wires go to which pads on the board and which lugs do these wires run from)

#3 If Im using dc do I need the (2) 1000 uf caps, I hope not because they just blew up in my face.

Since they just blew up, will there be damage to other components.

Ive only worked with 9v in the past, this is just confusing.

Go ahead have a laugh, then please help me out.


Question bridge rect needed with dc supply
pad K would be positive J negative..jump the bridge
Q 3..yes you need the filter did you manage to blow them up? could have fried the regulator and yourself too
double check your connections before you turn the thing on...


I didnt jump the bridge, instead I hooked my black wire coming from the ground tab of my dc jack to the negative pad where the bridge used to be and the red wire coming from the middle tab of my dc jack to  positive bridge pad. both pads (if bridge was jumped) would be how you stated (+) K and (-) J.


I have no idea how they blew, I figured i wired it backwards but it seems that wasnt the case.



What was the voltage rating of those 1000uf caps? those caps need to have a higher rating than 24 volts,.
I think the caps themselves bump up the voltage a bit aswell so i would use something like 36 or 50 volts rating just to be save and to increase the lifespan of the caps.


Ok so my dc power supply had reverse polarity and is reading negative voltage. Does anyone have an idea on what wouldve been fried along with the caps?


you will have to replace the blown caps and then you can check voltages but you may have fried everything except the resistors and the film caps.. :icon_frown:


the  1000 uf caps were rated at 50 volts


50v would be fine.double the voltage rating is enough....reversing the dc voltage will be a disaster everytime