which laser printer for a good thick toner image????????

Started by deadastronaut, May 26, 2011, 10:00:52 AM

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Hi Rob,

try "positiv 22", a spray for pcb making. You just need a uv-lamp...
No tonershit at the fingers, the lines can be thiner.


^ hi maik, never tried that method....i'm guessing it would work on boxes too then...

whats the process?...spray the copper, then lay transparent pcb image, then uv......then?....

got it... :)


chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Jip, very easy.
And you can do very thin lines.
Then etching with acid and after 5-10 min it´s ready.


Ive been looking for a photoresist spray. I did see the positiv 22 but couldnt find it anywhere for sale in the US. in fact cant find much at all. found one liquid on ebay from europe. I believe Mg chemicals stopped making the spray. any leads on where to buy in the US would be awesome . I been wanting to try it on enclosures!


Yup that's the only stuff I could find on eBay, its from Sweden not sure how customs is with it , also read some of that stuff is very flammable .

I had found one other company but they only sold bulk and it was pricey. I may end up ordering that from eBay to test . :D


Quote from: deadastronaut on June 01, 2011, 09:33:26 PM

wow this thing is fast....and does excellent transfers using magazine paper...ive tried lots of different papers, glossy etc...but magazine paper is the nuts...rubs off really easy...no residue either...and free!..

Not to hijack the thread too much, but I'm planning to get this printer pretty soon - gotta start doing pcb's. Mag paper seems like the easiest way to go, but you say that it rubs off pretty easy - too easily for contact etching (with a sponge), or do you think that it would work?


no its fine...the mag paper rubs off easily....the toner is ok, as long as the copper is ''keyed'' and cleaned properly...

since then ive been using 150gsm paper and if you catch it as its cooling (almost cold) down after ironing the paper will  peel off in one hit....no residue etc.. :icon_cool:

make sure you ave your printer settings to high quality, toner save ''off''  etc...save as a preset...

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//



A bit late to party but thought id just add, i use a HP LJ 4200 we have at work.  Its an old printer but always does a great job.  Magazine paper (thin stuff) works the best for applying and removing.  You just have to tape a piece of paper to the back of the magazine paper, because its so thin, the rollers will scrunch it up.  Use the highest DPI settings in can do and the highest quality.  Turn off tone saving.

Heres a more indepth tutorial video i made on the process i use (not specifically meant for Rob, just anyone wanting to learn :))

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