Drill for boards???

Started by Canucker, July 27, 2012, 12:07:11 AM

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I use a Dremel drill press for PCBs, it's great. I can't really imagine what else I'd use it for, though.
"...and weird on top!"


Quote from: garcho on July 27, 2012, 01:01:16 PM
I use a Dremel drill press for PCBs, it's great. I can't really imagine what else I'd use it for, though.

Yup, same here. It is indeed made of plastic and indeed a bit loose for precision drilling. I find if I lower the unit so the bit when in the up position is only a few mm's above the board I have no problems.


was I seriously the first person to come up with this thread? or has it just been so long its all new members now? Either way I'm patting myself on the back right now  :P


Drilling equipment and bits topics have come up before, but it's good to rehash it occassionally. You never know when a new device or technique will pop up.


R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Canucker.....I'm a Canadian too....welcome!
I simply use a desk top drill press that I bought at Canadian Tire. They're $59 , but they often go on sale for $29. I actually got mine on sale for $19.95, but I haven't seen that sale price since. The only thing that I needed was a pin collett set which I picked up for $19.95 at Busy Bee. The chuck will not hold 1/32" bits, so the collett is another small chuck that just goes into the drill press chuck. I also buy small numbered bits there as well.
Pedals Built- Morley ABC Box, Fultone A/B Box, DIY Stompboxes True Bypass box, GGG Drop in Wah, AMZ Mosfet Boost, ROG Flipster, ROG Tonemender, Tonepad Big Muff Pi.
On the bench:  Rebote 2.5,  Dr Boogie, TS808


I found a solution a month or so ago whilst deciding whether to purchase the dremel drill press. Haven't got it yet but will after reading this.

From a comment on the article: http://www.instructables.com/id/Increase-the-precision-of-a-Dremel-press-drill/

coolmechanic says:
if you check the plastic body around the areas where the press slides on the steel guide rods you will find tiny brass screws adjust these to remove all play in every direction.keep checking the press slides up and down freely as you can overtighten to the point it wont return back up after pressing down,hope this helps look all around as there are quite a few and the are tiny,dont know why dremel dont put this in their instruction manual and suuply the screwdriver if they cant set em up before shipping them out.lazy i guess. regards,coolmechanic