Millenium Bypass and two effects in one box?

Started by rudeez, August 05, 2012, 10:46:14 AM

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I made up quite a stash of the millenium 2 bypass pcb's and got myself about 30 switches and sold of the 3pdt's i had.

Now when im about to wire up two effects in one box i really have no clue how to handle it.
The effects im putting togheter is a delay and a ts808, do anyone here have any idea how i need to wire those stuff up to get it working?

Mike Burgundy

If you're sure you always want them in the same order, just wire like it's two separate boxes, but hardwire the lead that should go to the first effect's output jack to the switch connection that would connect to the second effect's input jack. So you're left with:
INPUT - switch effect 1 - switch effect 2 - OUTPUT.


and this will make it possible to have them separated as well? like have either on or have both on at the same time?

Mike Burgundy

Sure - it's just like having them in two boxes. All you've done is leave the switches in place, and replace the wire-to-jack/output jack/patch cable/input jack/wire-to- switch with one wire. They will always be in the same order, but they can individually be bypassed or activated, including both.



That would work.

I would like to make one small suggested change or 2 though...
Remove the 2nd pair of wires from the power jack to the switch.
BOth are already grounded to the power jack via the one connection and the ground jumper between the switches.
And you can do the same thing with the power wire.
Make for a neater and quicker wiring  job IMO.

Like so...


Ah yeah, thanks for the tip!
If i wanna take this further, is it possible to have a switch to change the order of the effects using the millenium dpdt option?
Also, is it possible on top of that to add a fx loop into a wiring like this?


Yes, it can be done.
A simple DPDT switch is all you need.


How would that one be wired? Are we talking about the fx loop or changing order of the effects now? :p