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LoFoMoFo Too HiFi

Started by dano12, August 21, 2012, 05:02:07 PM

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So today I had an entire (rare) free day to putter around on the bench. I started looking at Tim Escobedo's LoFoMoFo and thought it was entirely too hi-fidelity.

The result was the LowerFoMoFo. The orignal's 10nf output cap was replaced with a bunch of large electrolytics in series to simulate poor design.

I had read on wikipedia about microphonics in capacitors. So I added a pager motor, powered by a single AA battery and affixed to one of the capacitor to try this out. I can't speak for the sonic utility of such a scheme, but it certainly made the overall lash-up sound worse. 

Various connections where made with inordinately long bits of wire, wound into noise-inducing coils. The output of that goes of to an LM386 amplifier, at max gain, into a tiny tinny speaker. And for extra fun, I added an additional 386 amp whose input is directly connected to an antenna and the output is summed into the main amp's input. I can only pick up one radio station.

It is so lofi that the resulting sound is unspeakable.

Did I advance the art and science of stompboxes today? No, but I sure had a fun few hours trying :)


Hahaha !  i like!   A sound sample would be appreciated very much!


As a structure, it has an artistic look that I find appealing. I hope it sounds gloriously awful!  ;D


You should plug in a Fuzz Factory from your schematic to it, that'll really put it over the top!


Wait, it's August right now, not April?  :icon_lol:
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