Help Getting Unity Volume

Started by sevenisthenumber, August 24, 2012, 05:17:16 PM

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Sorry if this is not okay but I found this circuit and its great but I cant get it to be unity volume when on and pot at zero. Any help?


put a 100k ish resistor in series with the gain pot , so input cap---'100kish resistor'---lug1/2 of gain pot,lug 3 gain pot stays where it is...
that way you can turn the gain pot full down then tailor the new resistor value to unity- or even use a 100k trimmer to dial it to unity more easily... 100k is a starting point ,youll need to try some different values to get it just right.
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


Instead of using the 1Meg series pot, you could just wire a 1M log pot as a volume control:


> to be unity volume when on and pot at zero

For that to happen, P1 should be nearly equal to R2.

Since pots only come in a few values, resistors in all values, change R2 to 1Meg.

To keep bias the same, R3 must also be 1Meg.

If it is already built: it may be easier to tack-solder 2.2Meg resistors across the existing 2.2Meg reisistors, making them 1.1meg in effect. The 10% difference is hardly audible.