Chopped OC2 octave pedal on vero board(s)

Started by Renegadrian, May 23, 2011, 06:54:05 PM

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Right folks, I just wanted to try an octave pedal, not a fuzzy one like octavia and so on, but a cleanish one, so I stumbled upon the chopped OC2. it is basically a simplified boss, maybe some more parts could be omited but in the end it's not that big!
I just want to try it with my band on thursday, remember my quest for the queensryche song!?
I was looking at some demo videos of the EH pedal (bass synth it's the name) and it's very cool, but also quite expensive both for my budget and my needs (I'd really enjoy it for one or two songs, then it would be useless...)
I think this one could help me out with that song, and also be a nice toy to play with!

So...I have the chopped OC2 schem and the PCB explaination (which contains the same schem and some mods too)
but you guys know I'm a VERO man! So I just thought "I have to lay things out on that b1tch!"
I read that the pcb is quite large, as it shouldn't fit a BB. I just wanted to shrink it up as much as I could. Main difficulty were the ICs power and ground pins, and obviously a board with 3 14 pins ICs cannot be tiny!
but...As a lot of shrinkers here, I just took the challenge and tried something new...I just said "that could be easier if this (3rd) MF IC could stand just as above the 2nd...". needless to say, I just moved the idea and made a two layers layout.
the "first floor" house the tl074 and lm324, with power and ground. the "second floor" houses the 4013, in and out portions and mix portions. I managed to fit the connection points as simple as I could. basically I made 2 power "columns" with resistors leftovers legs, and one for ground. they line up perfectly in a vertical way, so those 3 legs support and keep distant the "second floor".
With a little planning, I think the standard version (two pots) can be squeezed in a B enclosure too!!!
I just made a small PDF with layout and some pics...enjoy!!!
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


The reh with the band went good - the pedal surely adds some serious low end to the sound (with both pots maxed), and I also like the boost it gives to the "direct" if you back the octave down...A nice tool for the job, might take out that squeezer...
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Smart, Renegadrian!

I´m planning on doing something similar because I want to get a Boss DC2 dimension C into a 125 B box, quite a large parts number fx.

Also , I made a layout for this FX that fits into a B box. I have yet to build it.


Thank you Ariel (nice name!)
please report when you are done with the DC2
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Hi... I made the pedal following your layout,  double-checked everything, off board and changed all the ICs and transistors but the effect is not working...when plug into the power supply the 9v p.s.u. stop working (the led goes off). I'm wondering if the layout is correct and if you change something to make it work properly.
I have a question...the two little green jumpers should be connected together? (I tried in both way, but it's still not working )
thank you and sorry for my english..sono italiano  ;D


Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!

Gaetano Capuano

This vero seems to be removed, anyone still have it?


The above link will take you to the gallery, click on= download document= and the pdf will open...


Hi, just wondering if anyone could help me out at all, I used parts of your layout to do my own so maybe you'll be able to see where I've gone wrong ;D

Thanks in advance!