Wiring diagrams for foot switchable octave fuzz (ie tone machine etc)?

Started by Bandwagonesque, September 24, 2012, 06:14:40 PM

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I'm trying to wire up this tone machine derivative circuit(way huge piercing moose) and as my sense of direction for pedal wiring is in the toilet, i'm having a bit of trouble. I know the destinations of all the pots, 9v, and ground points but the 'Sw1a & Sw1b' are throwing me for a loop other than i know they're supposed to go to one of the stomp switches. I'm also trying to make this work with a DPDT stomp switch for the octave on/off and an LED to signal that the octave is on as well. The latter is what is giving me the trouble in particular. I have no real trouble wiring up something with 1 stomp and 1 led but doubling it up is foreign.  Does anyone have any wiring diagrams or a link to one that could show me how I would get a circuit like the one below wired up with a dpdt and an octave LED? I only ended up finding one for the ggg tone machine which helps but looking for any other ones that may be more tailored to how this particular layout is made. thanks for any help!


On a DPDT.

X-Switch A       X-Ground

X-Switch B       X-LED negative

X-Empty           X-Empty

Run another current limiting resistor from the power source to the Octave LED's positive.
I ran two LED's off one resistor from the power source once and they would dim when activated.
Is this what you mean?
Consistency is a worthy adversary



My FoXX Tone Machine clone has that octive in/out FSW feature :

I apologize for my approximative english writing and understanding !


hey again folks! thanks alot for the help on the pinout guidance for the dpdt switch and LED rousejeremy. unfortunately I'm still having trouble getting it to do anything. It bypasses fine but when engaged it is totally silent with no response from the controls. i checked the topology of the circuit and nothing seems to be out of place, and im going to pull the circuit to test continuity to see if there is a cold joint on one of the buses. I don't think either of those are really of any issue though and that the real problem may be routed with me making a mistake on the wiring (yet again). I'm using the beavisaudio wiring diagram (http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/StompboxWiring/) as a basis and then adding the dpdt and led after i got the pinout from rousejeremy. I wrote up a quick yet somewhat crude wiring diagram of how my build is currently wired up. If its not too confusing and messy, could anyone read over it to see if there are any errors that could possibly lead to why it doesn't work as it should? 


Consistency is a worthy adversary
