DS-1 Mid range pot?

Started by Mikalv, August 13, 2010, 07:21:12 AM

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i've just spend about 2 hours going through almost 300 pages on the forum looking for some help on adding a pot to my DS-1 to adjust the mid-range, like the anologman mod

can anyone help me out?


Hi Mikalv,
Is this a 'built' DS-1, or is it DIY?  I ask because it may be very difficult to get inside the PCB of one you bought, but it would be easier to modify a DIY pedal.

It is not hard to come up with a mid adjust pot; the problem is that the signal will get lower after you put it in, so you would need to place it in the right position to boost the signal after you've tweaked the signal. 
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For a midrange knob for the DS-1,I take out R-16 and solder 2 wires to where the resistor was and solder the other ends to a 5k linear pot.Works great.


sorry for the delayed post. its an original boss ds-1 allready modded with kelly mod.
thanks for the answers :)


Stupid newb question here, but i plan on doing this mod when I mod my DS-1, if I put the 5k pot in for R16, do I have to solder one of the lugs to ground?


welcome to the forum!

no, you will only need to use two lugs- the center and one of the outside lugs.  Which lug you use depends on which direction you want your mid control to work.  and use a linear taper pot, not audio taper.
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Thank you sir.  I'm having a blast building and modding, but I'm in the early stages of leanrning.  I appreciate the help.