How do I add treble to Kay Tremolo?

Started by LucifersTrip, August 21, 2010, 12:40:05 AM

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I built the Kay Tremolo:

...and it sounds great, especially with trebley fuzz, but it muddies clean tones. How do I add treble to Kay Tremolo?

I found this post from over a year ago...a similar question was posed:

Before I start screwing with the caps & resistors, has there been an answer posted?

I will definitely try this depth mod first:


always think outside the box


I'll give this a bump cus I just completed mine and feel the same way!


It's funny...2 yrs later I realized I put the wrong link above. When I built it, there were 3 things I wanted to alter. 1) the distortion/muddiness, 2) the depth of the trem , 3) the speed of the trem

The link I put above was regarding #3, not #1, as I noted in the subject...

Anyway, numerous others have had the same problem as #1....and the solution was to use lower hfe transistors. I never got around to test that, because I built another circuit that did the job better for me*

Unfortunately, the layouts I've seen call for "any high gain transistor" "like a 2N5088" ...It seems using higher gains transistors in vintage effects has been a big downfall for many. My 2N5088's have gains in the 500 - 600 range. I just scrapped an old early 70's electronic device that had a bunch of 2SC828's (orig Kay Trem Q's) in there and almost all measured between 80 - 110 with the highest at 130 hfe

Here's one link:

For #2, there was a depth mod posted:

I took it one step further to get more depth and eliminated the 68K altogether

...and I never screwed with #3

and my final version w/ voltages:
ironically, higher hfe's worked better for this...

always think outside the box