the right transformer for the right power supply...

Started by artsinbloodshed, November 06, 2012, 03:48:44 PM

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hey guys. I'm about to build tonepad's power supply and I was wondering which transformer I should use.
They say 12 vac but, i'd like to buy the right part in terms of noise/quality...and know where to buy it
if you have already built it, which transformer (brand/store/etc) did you use with success?
I was born the year Elvis passed probably means something!


Francisco suggests that you use a wall wart so that you don't have to do the wiring to the AC line, and I agree--emphatically. This one will do:

and it has internal current limiting so that you won't be in danger of overheating the requlator. The part I suggested suppllies 200 ma.; I would Not suggest a heftier transformer without fairly heavy heat-sinking for the LM317 and some kind of ventilated enclosure. You will want power jacks something like this:

and they can be used on both input from the wallwart and DC output. LABEL CAREFULLY AND DO NOT GET THESE CONFUSED.


but I should have been more specific,sorry :icon_redface:
. I'd really like to go for an internal transformer (12vac) to feed up to 8-10 pedals (thus with enough mA)
like a power brick or so.
the vented enclosure is a must, you're right and the heatsink too...
I was born the year Elvis passed probably means something!


I would get a 24VA (or thereabouts) 2x6V or 1x12V toroidal. 15VA will probably be enough if you don't have many digital pedals.

Maybe this if in UK