Driving long delay lines without multiple clock chips?

Started by ElectricDruid, October 26, 2010, 05:37:18 PM

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Yeah, I think a MosFet will sound much more transparent than an obsolete TLCxxx...

Fun aside: anybody spent 2 cents of thought about the fact,
that a guy who is gonna cascade 4 3205`s
is probably not gonna search beyond the 20kHz or even 100kHz limit?

Check the datasheetz: 5mA for a 3102... (per its 2 outputs...)
10mA for the 4041 per its 8 outputs...  @ 10V

How much is that 4047 in the window?

BTW.; for 100+ quantities of BL 3102 = 1$/chip
for 1k+ : .75$/chip
over 10k: inquire...
plus shipping!
just PM me...


Maybe you found it in this tour-thread too, but...

during my visit of the "electronica 2012" fair in Munich last week,

I found (a.o. ... :icon_wink: ) a printed article,
which is also available on the web:


Would this idea be THE ultimate solution?
(haven`t tried it yet, though...)