Stupidly Wonderful Tone Control (SWTC) before or after diodes?

Started by mordechai, December 14, 2012, 10:54:58 AM

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I am modding a simple OD circuit, and am putting in Mark Hammer's very cool SWTC toward the end to tame the high end before it hits the volume pot.  But, I would also like to add some diodes-to-ground in the circuit.  Should these diodes come before, or after, the SWTC?  I am guessing that the answer is "before", as I suspect that the SWTC would then shape the overall characteristic of the distorted signal, but I thought I'd double check with you folks...

Mark Hammer

Diodes before....for two reasons.

1) The tone control is there to tame the fizz often produced by clipping.  No point in trimming the treble, then clipping and generating more of it without any way to tame it.

2) If before the diodes, the pot will present a series resistance that will limit the current feeding the diodes, and diminish the amount of clipping.

(and Happy Chanukah!  I like to think of myself as one of the Maccabees because of my family name  :icon_lol: )


Thanks mark.  I thought about point #1 and that's why I asked, but your second point is something that had not crossed my mind, so that clarifies a lot for me.

And Happy Chanukah to you too...and to everyone out here celebrating a holiday, I hope it's a meaningful and festive experience for you.