Question about voltage to effect

Started by Ghost Planet, December 19, 2012, 09:55:35 PM

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Ghost Planet

I'm planning to build a tiny giant amp and I want to place 3 legged dog distortion circuit in the enclosure to provide distortion. There is a 14 v out from the tiny giant board for powering eq's and effects. How can I lower the voltage from 14v to 9v so i won't fry the distortion circuit? Also should I omit the volume control from the distortion circuit, because the amp already has a volume control? Won't 2 volume controls be redundant? Thanks for the help. I'm still pretty new to building.

petey twofinger

i had bad luck with my l legged dog , ended up with a dod250 with led/germanium diode clippers that are switchable .

have you built the 3 legger yet ? that circuit , i am sure it was my fault , but man idi d i waste ages of time on it , and it was never right .

what u will need is a simple voltage regulator , a 7809 .

i use a 100uf cap on the one end , some folks use diodes as well .

where it shows 12 volts comin in , that doesnt matter so much that u would have 14 ... as long as it is 2 volts or so higher than the output (9) you are good .

you may want to think about a heat sink , it may not ne necessary , but i usually use something , one pdf i saw said " cut a strip of soda can for heat sink " it even had dimensions .... i would see if you could find something small in your junk drawer or old vcr/radio/tv . be carefull in a tv , lethal voltage . dont plug anything in first ... better yet , order a proper heat sink ... stuff with mains voltage , should never be tampered with .... right .
im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself

Ghost Planet

I have not built the 3 leg dog yet. I keep toying with using a red llama circuit instead. I might switch.