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Cabinet Simulator

Started by hohlamazoo, May 17, 2012, 10:29:39 AM

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I had a few questions before starting to experiment with a cab sim.  I guess I want to make sure it'll be worth my time.
First, I was going to start simple with something like this:

1. I wanted to know if this will power a dry signal? The first stage looks a lot like a Sparkle boost, which I like, but all of the info states how well it works with overdrives, etc.

2. Could I do an Input buffer->Cot 50->Cab Sim to work as a recording amp?  I'd like to run pedals before it and have a good cleaner sound.

Hopefully, I'm not too confusing.  Thanks

Bill Mountain

Quote from: hohlamazoo on May 17, 2012, 10:29:39 AM
I had a few questions before starting to experiment with a cab sim.  I guess I want to make sure it'll be worth my time.
First, I was going to start simple with something like this:  

1. I wanted to know if this will power a dry signal? The first stage looks a lot like a Sparkle boost, which I like, but all of the info states how well it works with overdrives, etc.

2. Could I do an Input buffer->Cot 50->Cab Sim to work as a recording amp?  I'd like to run pedals before it and have a good cleaner sound.

Hopefully, I'm not too confusing.  Thanks

Your link didn't work but most Cab Sims are unity gain devices.  It could process a dry signal but the point of a cab sim is make your effects sound closer to what they do through an amp and speaker (with similar LPF's and HPF's).  You could of course run a boost or preamp in front of it but you may not have enough headroom if you want to treat it like a "real" amp.

I hope I'm not too confusing either!


Your headroom comment makes a lot of sense. That's actually why I thought a buffer would help it handle incoming effects a little better.  I might just have to bite the bullet and give it a try.  Any suggestions on a simple direct recording amp?

a soBer Newt

Kinda off topic but it might be a road that you want to go down I have been really interested in running a cab simulator into the THAT 1606/1646 for recording. Sorry for the highjack. 


That's no highjack.  I'm looking for any suggestions.  I just want to be able to run my guitar through my pedals, then into a speakerless amp sim that is compatible with a mixer.  I have a SansAmp now, but only use a few settings because I like clean.  I thought it would be a good idea to replace it with something easy to build that focuses on cleaner sounds.  I can't find anything. Or, I'm not looking in the right places.  I even wondered if this would be a good job for a Ruby (bassman modded) amp.  Thanks for the suggestions. Any and all are welcomed.  Thanks.



Quote from: digideus on December 22, 2012, 01:29:46 AM

Any progress on this?

What kind of progress? The ROG layout works, I have built it a few times... sounds good.
Doesn't matter what you did to get it... If it sounds good, then it is good!