Sansamp GT-2 DIY debug - no sound

Started by Rethfing, January 18, 2013, 11:54:53 AM

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Here's the schematic and PCB layout:

When I plug it in it gives no sound apart from constant squeak which is getting louder when I roll the Volume up. I've checked all ground connections - they're fine. I also measured all voltages:
IC1:         IC2:         IC3:
1. 3,57     1. 1,36     1. 1,98     1. 3,57
2. 3,57     2. 9          2. 1,98     2. 3,57
3. 3,24     3. 3,53     3. 2,07     3. 3,57
4. 0          4. 0         4. 0          4. 0
5. 3,24     5. 1,36     5. 1,96     5. 3,57
6. 3,56     6. 1,78     6. 1,86     6. 3,57
7. 3,57     7. 1,42     7. 1,86     7. 3,57
8. 9          8. 9         8. 9          8. 9

E: 2,98
B: 3,57
C: 8,99

I was looking for some solder bridges but I couldnt find any, so I suspect broken part. Can anyone give my a guide how to audio-probe this stuff?


From the voltages you posted, you have quite a few issues...

- All of the IC pins 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 should be around HALF of your voltage on pin 8 (4.5V)
- Your voltages on IC2 and IC3 are WAY off. Even farther off than IC1 and IC4.
- On IC2, you have 9V on pin 2. Definitely a short causing that. Whether it be a trace, jumper, or internally shorted IC.

Look over these issues (especially the 9V on pin 2 of IC2) and report back.

Good Luck  ;D
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The first thing that I noticed is that I have a connection between 1st pin of IC1 and the pin above it. Like in the image, green marking shows the pins, orange line shows scratch:

I scratched it very hard but my ohm-meter still shows there's some connection. I dont see any place where these two pins are connected.

P.S. Oh, the image is mirrored to the original because it was a print to help me trace the board.


Remove the IC and recheck with your meter. You need to ensure there IS NOT a direct short between those points.

Don't forget to take a GOOD look at IC2 Pin 2. Definitely something wrong there.

Good Luck  ;D
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Ive found a connection beetwen the jumper and 220pf on the side of pin 5! Voltage seems ok now, off we go for testing!


If that does not work, or you are still having problems...

I think we have established that there MAY be some soldering issues. I recommend getting a magnifying glass and tracing the ENTIRE board for solder bridges and/or shorts.

Don't worry... you will get there!!!

Good Luck and let us know how it turns out  ;D
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


It works! Yaahaa :D Thanks a lot for your help! Its awesome :D


A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


Hmm.. it seems that my bass pot is not working.. I've already tried different one. All the solder joints seem fine around that part of circuit. Anyone have any suggestions?

Dont bother, I just realised that I've put 220nF in place of every 22nF :/ replacing now.