4136 upgrade adapter

Started by Gabriel, February 06, 2013, 12:08:33 PM

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I'm wondering if anyone have build this adapter to upgrade the old rc4136 into two contemporary low-noise opamp. This is because, the 4136 has different pinout than the standard tl074.

My Super Tone Control is very nice pedal to shape the sound, but i has some little background noise and some distortion in some configurations..

I read that a lot of people did this, and they reduced the distortion level and got it more quiet.
Has Anyone know how to build this simple adapter?

It would be nice to hear the STC with two low noise OP275 opamp.



One really, really simple way to get around this is dead-bug mounting.

The idea is to superglue the replacement chip in place with its pins sticking up in the air (...dead bug...) so you can solder a thin wire to each one, then run that wire to the hole on the board where it needs to go.

To do this well, you probably need to make some sketches of the holes on the PCB and what IC **function**/pin needs to go there, then a diagram of the IC, but **with its pins UP, bottom view** and then draw in which wire goes to what hole.

For opamps, you need to match function: that is, V+, V-, +input, -input, and output for each pin into the PCB hole.

This process is exactly what one would do to make some kind of adapter board. It's just much faster and easier for one or two units instead of a bunch.

Not to mention cheaper.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

Mark Hammer

Believe it or not, TI made a pin-for-pin low-noise BiFet replacement for the 4136, numbered the TL075.  They are probably harder to find than MN3205s these days, but they exist.


Thanks for the advice!!

I bought a tl075 yesterday, very hard to find, and tried it: is just a bit less noisier than the 4136, but didn't wow me.

The STC is great pedal, i will try the adapter and see.
