My Tone Bender Voltage Correct?

Started by fuzzymuff, February 01, 2013, 04:43:18 PM

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QuoteI have never heard anything remotely 8-up in a MKII and you are the first person I have ever heard suggest that. You might be hearing a little harmonics in there but I cannot see why you would think you hear an octave effect. Are we even talking about the same effect?

I mean that transistors biased near Vcc "sound like 8-up". IIRC there is a post about this effect somewhere in the archives.
The more gain the transistors have the more audible the effect. Since where are talking low hfe germs, there is a small ringing that travels to the FF stage adding sweet harmonics. But no, I'm not saying this is a Green Ringer :)
If you want to experiment by yourself just breadboard Q1 and listen to it. Or do an Spice simulation.


mac@mac-pc:~$ sudo apt install ECC83 EL84


Quote from: Arcane Analog on February 02, 2013, 07:08:12 PM
Quote from: fuzzymuff on February 02, 2013, 04:02:36 PM

This is from an actual Supa Fuzz or a clone?  If it is an actual one, then the voltage is dounble what is recommended.  Do you know if the original fuzz faces had voltages that high?  

Recommended by who?  :icon_biggrin: Are we not talking about MKIIs? The Fuzz Face and the MKII are not the same circuit.

As EW said, you cannot get 4.5V using stock MKII components - you need to really mess with a few values to hit something that low. I have played with the MKII circuit alot and I find 4.5V sounds like crap - nothing like a good MKII. Scrap the Q3 trimmer or set it to ~8k2 and bias from Q2. Get the voltage close to 8V and then tune it by ear.

Fuzzcentral recommended setting the Q3 collector at 4.5v.

Arcane Analog

Haha. I knew where that Q3 bit came from. That was supposed to be a joke. Fuzz Central really is not the best spot to rely on for schematics and inforamtion.


Quote from: Arcane Analog on February 05, 2013, 05:26:29 PM
Haha. I knew where that Q3 bit came from. That was supposed to be a joke. Fuzz Central really is not the best spot to rely on for schematics and inforamtion.

Really?  Im such a noob, so I wouldn't know, still learning.  I've actually learned alot in this forum though, and setting the voltage at 8v did make an improvement in tone.  Now, I want to make a tonebender using a vero board and using the same component values as the vintage ones.  What is your take on using the recommended resistor values that smallbear recommends with their tonebender Ge transistors?  Would I get the same results just using a trim pot?

Arcane Analog

You would have to see ig SB sends values to bias Q3 at 4.5V which I think may be the case. I could be wrong though. Mr Daniels provides great customer service and a simple email would clear that up. I am pretty sure SB sends the trio with HFEs increasing from Q1 to Q3. I would experiment with swapping Q2 and Q3 around and having Q2 as the highest gain. Sticking to the original components save the Q2 trimmer will give you the best shot at a great sounding build. If you have OC75s make sure to use the OC75 schematic.

The 4.5V on Q3 is a pretty big misconception that prevailed until Mr Main and other kind folks provided information on measurements of original units. Biasing Q3 around 8V sounds so much better.