Reverse Polarity Protection for +12vDC.. less than 500mA

Started by chptunes, February 07, 2013, 10:41:19 AM

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In light of a recent polarity reversal mistake, I gathered some simple methods of protecting against such mishaps.

As I understand it, either of these methods will protect my +12vDC amplifier (less than 500mA).. right?  Thanks in advance..



Yes either of those will work, I'm not sure how much current the mosfet can cope with though, someone else will hopefully know the answer.
Using either of them you lose about 0.7 of a Volt, but that probably doesn't matter for your amp.


Note that using a MOSFET that way is exactly the same as using a diode. It's MOSFET-ness doesn't come into play at all.

A 20-30V Schottky diode would do much the same and only subtract 0.4-0.5V.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Thanks guys.. I've installed a 1N4001 for now.  Dropped my supply volts from 12.1 to 11.4.. the amp is still happy.

When I order parts again, I'll add a few Schottky diodes to the cart.
