Runoffgroove splitter/Blender switching series and parallel.

Started by Gabriel, March 14, 2013, 10:33:48 AM

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Dear all,

I'm building the runoffgroove Splitter / Blender. I need an advice:

I would like to install a switch, to make the sends/returns work in Parallel (as it´s designed) and also in Series (say normal chain). It's not necesary to control the Two sends/returns.

Something like:

- Effect ON: send / return in parallel.
- Effect OFF (BYPASS): sends / return Bypased OR in series (controlled via 3pdt switch?)

This will give the chance to use this unit in two different ways.

Do you have an idea of the wiring?

Any help i would really appreciate. :)


I drew this up for someone who asked a similar question, it gives you series or parallel, you could use one stomp switch for this and a second one doing normal true bypass that will give you the modes you want.
The only problem with this is that the volume in series depends on the setting of the blend pot, the closer it's turned towards green the lower the volume will be, if it's turned all the way to green you probably won't get any sound. So switching between series and parallel might mean adjusting the blend pot.