Finished: Payback V1 1590b perfboard layout

Started by Jaicen_solo, September 29, 2011, 05:32:04 PM

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Having slightly hijacked Andrew's V2 thread, I thought i'd start my own regarding my Payback stripboard layout.
I'm trying to squeeze it all into a 1590b, so there will be two boards, one for the audio, logic and power supply, and one holding the ISD chip and a couple of capacitors.
If my measurements are correct, the whole lot will go in a 1590b, as long as the wiring is neat enough, which is not my strong point.  :icon_redface:4

I've attached a preview of the first board for error checking. I've gone through it twice, and it looks ok, but if anybody else can give it the once over that'd be great. I've labelled all the wiring with lettering, multiple points with the same letter connect together (ie, C for ground). Component designations are marked in red on the large schem Andrew was kind enough to share this morning.
Some letter points are shown that are used for the ISD board, but i've not done that yet, or they're for the switch; point P for example.
If anybody could help with the bypass wiring, that would be good, i'm still not 100% on how to do it with 3PDT switches, hence the reason that D3 is omitted from the layout.

Any suggestions are very welcome!

EDIT: Layout updated.


Quick bump to say that I uploaded a new version of the layout complete with some minor reworking, and the ISD section.
The ISD board should sit right above the larger board, using short wires for connections. There's space in the middle of the large board for standoffs or you could just solder stiff wires between the two boards to hold them apart.
One minor error on the ISD board, I have labelled the AnaIN cap C16, it should read C17 to match the schem. Other than that, I think this board is ready to build and parts are on order. I'll update when it's done.


This is awesome, is it fully verified?
I was thinking this was the V1.0 but now I'm not sure. Which ISD IC did you use?
How did you wired the switches in this?

Ps: I know this is an old thread but I see Jaicen is still around so I hope to get some answers.


Hi, thanks for the interest.

I built this and it did work, though I had to make a few alterations if I recall. I'm not sure that all the pots are wired the right way around, and I had to add some filtering to get rid of the LFO noise. Basically a 100ohm resistor and large cap on the power rails of the two IC's.
It did work perfectly, HOWEVER, when I was re-wiring it to box up, something went wrong and I've never been able to track down the fault.
In the end I gave up and started designing a dual PCB which should be an easier build.

I used TL074 and ISD2560.


Thank you!! I probably will be building this one!



Quote from: Jaicen_solo on December 05, 2012, 03:00:16 PM
I had to add some filtering to get rid of the LFO noise. Basically a 100ohm resistor and large cap on the power rails of the two IC's.

not quite 100% clear on what is meant here. how would i go about this? thanks.


A 100Ω resistor and a large cap connected from the power pin (as close to the IC as possible) to ground.
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


Quote from: armdnrdy on April 05, 2013, 10:35:57 AM
A 100Ω resistor and a large cap connected from the power pin (as close to the IC as possible) to ground.

oh, duh. thanks for the quick reply!


You want the 100 ohm resistor in series with the +'ve supply then the cap from the power pin of the if to ground.