fuzz face volume problem

Started by Waltheer, April 11, 2013, 07:01:55 PM

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hello. just finished building my fuzz face (from tonepad).

the volume pot however only works half past noon, instead of an gradual increase in volume.

A bad pot maybe? I did no mods to the schematic.


Did you use a 500K LOG pot?

Is it wired correctly?
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


I got some similar when I wired in a jack backwards. High volume at full open, cuts out completely as you start to turn it down. Any loud ticking noise?

You may have wired the pot improperly to the output. It sounds like you might have wired the pot's output to one of the out lugs, input to outer lug, and ground to wiper, or

Wired input to wiper, meaning that resistance to ground will continue to decrease as you turn it. This effectively means that around halfway point is going to be "neutral", and below 50% will have more resistance to output and less resistance to ground, unlike the normal operation which is to have 500k resistance to ground at all times, and 0-500k resistance to output. at volume fully down, you have 500k resist to output and 500k resist to ground, for zero or close to zero volume.

If your input is wired to the wiper, you'll get the same scenario, except at 250k for ground, 250k for output, and the ground will get less resistance as you roll back the knob further, etc.
If I can solve the problem for someone else, I've learned valuable skill and information that pays me back for helping someone else.


hell-o and thank you all for the replies.

the pot is a 500k Log from Alpha.

It is wired exactly as the pdf from tonepad (with pcb component side up, pots are soldered with the back facing up)

I have no noise, and the pedal works fine, apart from the volume pot issue. i've checks for bad solder joints, and found none