Removing the Input Buffer of a Tube Screamer is it easy?

Started by dan5150, May 03, 2013, 02:02:17 AM

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I have an inexpensive TS clone (Joyo Vintage OD) that I want to mod to an RTO clone. (Robin Trower OD)

After a very quick glance at the schem and gut shots for the RTO, it appears that it is basically a TS without the input buffer, a 353 OpAmp, different clippers and a 1meg drive pot. The last 3 I know how to do. It's the removal of the input buffer that has me a bit worried.

Part of me thinks that it should be as simple as "remove these parts, jumper these pads". But, the other part of me knows that it isn't that simple.

Has anyone done this before? Is it doable? If so, any pointers or tips would be great.




If the joyo is true bypass it is that simple, assuming you can find the buffer and know which parts to change.
If you don't know, then trace the circuit from the input jack tip to the input of the clipping stage opamp, post it here and someone will tell you what to do.
Even simpler, don't bother removing the buffer, the bigger gain pot, different clippers and to a lesser extent the opamp, are the things that will make the pedal sound different to a stock TS. The buffer or lack of it, won't have any real affect on the sound.