Modding a Pedal - Which resistor do I remove?

Started by joel_ostrom, May 17, 2013, 04:20:05 AM

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I'm trying to install the Deville Clickless bypass mod in a Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble pedal. The instructions indicate that I need to remove. I've attached the installation guide, indicating which resistor needs to be removed, as well as the schematic for the pedal itself.

Could somebody point out which resistor on the pedal schematic correlates to the resistor in the installation guide that I need to remove?


Here's the Boss CE-5 Schematic

This is the Clickless Tru-Bypass Installation Guide.
Red arrow indicates the resistor I need to remove.


Long answer flip the image you posted left to right and it matches up with the CE 5 schematic, compare it to the bit round q7 and q8 bottom right on the ce5 schematic, look where the LED is connected and you should be able to figure it out.

Short answer R39  :)