Wanting to make a Digitech FS3X footswitch for JAMMAN

Started by dan_plus_o, May 10, 2006, 09:01:14 PM

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Is it bad for leds to be on for periods of 1-3 hours? I bought a few leds that I was going to solder in as well so if I ever play in a dark room I can see the switches better, cause they will have leds above them. I figured out how to wire them in so they are always on.

I haven't started workin on it yet because I am tring to find a good case or something.


Usually LEDs last for ungodly periods of time, in the 7,000 to 20,000 hour range. Most of the time they die from a current surge. One big problem with LEDs is that they are battery chompers. To help combat this, try to high brightness LEDs and then use bigger current-limiting resistors to use them at a low brightness with a low current draw. If you aren't on batteries it doesn't matter. And remember that in a dark room, a little light goes a long way!


Paul Marossy

Thanks for that little ASCII schematic, I just made a footswitch for my new Jam Man - works perfect! And it only cost me about $6. Much better than buying the DigiTech unit and I made it much smaller. Always important to me since real estate on my pedal board is limited.


yep, i second those thanks, worked great for me too.


Has anyone tried this on the new Jamman Stereo?

I just build the DIY Fs3X switch, as described here, and as psoted here : http://www.diyguitarist.com/Schematics/FS3X-Wiring.pdf

I triple-checked everything.

It does not work as expected on the JamMans Stereo ( for me). Eg The DOWN button engages the REVERSE feature).

I tried the DIY box on my Roland amp ( to change from clean to lead channels) as it works fine.

The only thing it "might be" is that I did not happen to have a proper stereo TRS patch cord handy so had to use a TRS stereo plug adapter ( 1/4" to 3.5 mm stereo  +  3.5mm cable +  3.5mm + 1/4 TRS stereo adaptor). Could that be it? Mind you it wokred fine with my amp.

So I am trying to figure out if its me or not hence the question, has anyone tried this on the new Jamman Stereo?


Turns out my DIY box is fine.

I wrote Digitech about the FS3X and they conformed that: "The external footswitch allows you to engage the reverse playback function, tap tempo, and undo/redo."


better picture:


Hello, sorry for the necromancery but i was wondering are these momentary spts switches or are they the "usual-step-on-it-on-step-on-it-again" off switches?
