twin 6111 tube effect pedal

Started by peterg, July 25, 2013, 09:29:00 AM

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Is there a verified twin 6111 tube pedal schematic? Looking for one with volume, tone and gain controls.


Do you mean two 6111 tubes?  Or one using both triodes in a 6111?  If the latter, search this forum for frequencycentral's 6111 version of his "Le Craquement Thermionique", or the Subcaster on the beavis Valvecaster page.

Edit: Just checked that thread... the picture's gone.  :(  PM me and I can send a copy?  I'm sure Rick won't mind...
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


Quote from: bluebunny on July 25, 2013, 01:39:38 PM
Do you mean two 6111 tubes?  Or one using both triodes in a 6111? 

Mark - two tubes is what I'm after.


make a twincaster on a breadboard, sub the 12AU7s for your 6111s, then play with component values until it sounds good
If at first you don't succeed... use bigger transistors!



Quote from: psychedelicfish on July 25, 2013, 03:38:28 PM
make a twincaster on a breadboard, sub the 12AU7s for your 6111s, then play with component values until it sounds good

Is this schematic accurate? I don't know much (anything) about tubes but there seems to be issues with subbing the 6111 for the AUs from the research I have done. Re the gain pot: would tying lug 3 of each tube together and feeding them to a single gain pot work?


> Re the gain pot: would tying lug 3 of each tube together and feeding them to a single gain pot work?


Anyway I really think it wants *two* gain pots.

Also think about your heater connections. 12AU7 can be wired *either* 6V or 12V heater. This plan runs 9V into the "12V" connection, under-heats the tubes, a dubious thing, though at these super low currents it may work fine. Your 6111 is only 6V heat. 9V on the "6V" heater is a very bad thing.

Myself I'd strive for a 12V supply, the plates will be happier, and the two 6V heaters can go in series to run happy on 12V.

I don't see any objection to putting 6111 in this circuit. Nobody can tell you it is SURE to work, when you run 100V tubes way down at 9V or 12V on plates. Minor differences in factory processing loom large way down there.