The Veil, another PT2399 delay design

Started by snk, February 02, 2019, 09:51:10 AM

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QuoteSo...have you tried that filter on the breadboard? does it work?
No : stupid me : i have run out of stripboards  :icon_confused: :icon_redface:
I have ordered new ones, but i won't be able to try to build it before some days....


Hello, some further feedback : as i'm short of stripboards, i started experimenting a bit on my EQD Disaster Transport Jr. I added a KillDry Switch, and also tried the green led trick to avoid feedback clipping.

- The KillDry is great.

- I didn't really liked the green led addition, because it indeed take all the clipping away... as well as the mojo ! I like my delays quite dirty and self-oscillating, and i must say that the green led is doing its job pretty well. But I have decided to put the green led on a switch, so when i want to automatically keep things under control the green led will be welcomed, and when i want wilder delays i will switch it off. I am considering putting the same switch on my "Veil" delay, as well as the KillDry switch.

- I also changed the EQD Disaster Transport Jr TONE pot for a higher value : it was enough to allow for brighter delays  So, no need for trying and tweaking many more resistors on the stripboard, I enjoy the sound as it is now.
For the moment, with all these mods and the TONE mod, I am really enjoying the EQD. So, along with the missing stripboards, i am holding off the "Veil" delay project for a couple weeks. I think I will come back to it a bit later, when i will want a more hipassed delay sound, as well as longer feedbacks.

- I have also included an insert jack for an expression pedal. It works fine, but the feedback pot has a small value (5K), which is below what most expression pedal use. It make the pedal work, but way too sensitive in the beginning, and reaching the max value too soon.

So, i have thought about a little "Preset Box", with a couple switches where you would cycle through 3 presets (low feedback, medium feedback, full feedback), each footswitch engaging one resistor.
I like that idea (it should be useful on stage), and i want to build it into a small enclosure 
My question is the following : while the wiring of the resistors and switches is quite obvious, i don't know what to do about the ground coming from the TRS jack : how should i wire it ? Is it even needed ?


ideally, yes, you want a three conductor cable with the shield connected to ground for least noise, but in reality, no, you don't need it.

me? i'd hook it up on the effect end only, so the shielding "telescopes" the run to the control pedal. but it depends on the situation.

if the control pedal is metal, best to connect the shield to its casing as well. ya will get less noise. anything over a foot or so of cabling with a hi z signal is gonna be a hum magnet. the shield will pick up the hum and hash and rfi and dump it to ground where it belongs.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


My settings were wrong : with that "sidecar box", it is not a matter of resistance value, it is a matter of wiring.
So here is the correct version. I find it rather interesting :
- With both switch disengaged, the pedal will use the regular pot value.
- With the first switch engaged, there is a single repeat.
- With the second switch engaged, we reach infinite feedback;
- With both switches enabled, the delay is bypassed.


So, here is a picture of the build (enclosed) :


60 pedals and counting!


You mean like audio clips, or are you asking if the PT2399 input clips ?


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


Ok, here are two quick recordings ! (or
First, it is the "wild" mode, taht you can hear going crazy.
Then, I switch to "clean" mode (featuring green led), which is much more tamed, but still good-sounding.
Then, i mess around with some settings, and in the end you can hear the self-oscillating tail alone.

and (or
In this little clip, I like the way the delay rolls... around 00:30, I engage the Killdry so no audio is coming in the delay loop and the delay is slowly getting into self oscillation.
There is some audible chip noise, but not a lot and i don't find it annoying at all (it is part of the sound imho). It should ne noted that in the end (where the slight chip noise is audible), the tone knob is full clockwise, so less filtering is applied. If i want to cut that noise, i just need to set the tone knob around 3 o clock (which is brighter than the stock EQD Disaster), and it is nicely damped.


Sorry to revive an old thread, but I couldn't find anything else on this design and the audio clips are since gone. How did you end up liking this circuit? Any recent changes or clips I can hear? I'm really curious about this one.


Thank you for your interested,
Unfortunately, I haven't built this project (yet). I know it's been a while, but I was already quite happy with my EQD Disaster Jr build, and I wanted to try other kind of effects. Its not dead, tough, as i really want to try it, but first i need to finish other projects that are still waiting on my bench ;)


Quote from: snk on February 03, 2019, 04:15:53 PM

Deprofundis :

what does M3 and M1 mean in this schem? are they connected?


Quote"Love You Long Time" - Extend the max delay time

This is a very easy modification. Change the Time pot to A100K and then add a 270K resistor in parallel with Time. You can add the resistor either to the pot pads on the board, or you can use the pads marked "M1" and "M2" (see below for more info on these). Adding the 270K resistor brings the Time pot's total resistance value down to about 75K, which is about the limit of what this circuit can handle without getting noisy and producing synth like repeats (more resistance = more delay time). If you don't have 270K on hand, try 220K, but be aware that this will give you less max delay time. Or you could put multiple resistors in series to get close to 270K. 
granny at the G next satdy eh.


Deprofundis :

If you add "width=400" to the img tag, the graphics get easier to see

[img width=400][/img]