1990 rev E Dunlop wah need help

Started by disabled_shredder, October 15, 2013, 05:41:53 PM

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I have a 90 gcb95 rev e board. A while back I got it and it was dead (cold joint on one of the elecs) fixed that passed it to true bypass did the vocal gain low mid treble mods and put an out put buffer on it. I removed the output buffer and that's the way it stayed until I switched out the transistors to bc108-bs. To the problem. I damaged a jack when I swapped trannies, I replaced it and now it doesn't work effect on but does fine in bypass. I put the old jack back in as I only stripped the threads thinking it would fix it but it didn't I have no bad solder joints. Maybe the electrolytics or the transistor in q1? I can post pics if that would help and I will get voltages and post tonight. Also does anyone think that it could be the pot? It reads ok. I think I'll swap the electrolytics and go from there. Please help me diagnose this!

Also the board is wired w a 3.5mm pos tip jack could I wire a standard neg tip jack to the board?
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


Time to build an audio probe!


Follow the guitar signal in and see where ya lose it.


Got an audio probe and I can't trace boards well. This board was especially confusing I had to draw a schem and matching board layout bc I couldn't find one. I'm gonna change the elecs and put the switch right then ill go probe it. It just doesn't add up that when I replace the output jack the effect dies. Something happened just don't know what. And jw how many ppl have seen a rev e Dunlop. I mean they were only made for one yr. they got to be more scarce than the rest of the other ways by far.
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


i hate audio probing too, but they can be useful. here's a tip that's helped me once or twice: take a photo of the underside of the board, then one of the top, flip the top one horizontally, and use a program like Photoshop or the free GIMP (lol) to overlay the flipped top image on top of the bottom one, and make it transparent. that way you can see where everything is without the confusion of constantly turning the board over. you have to be pretty straight with the photos, but maybe you could scan it. you can always rotate stuff slightly.
Recovered guitar player.
Electronics manufacturer.


I would like to start out saying thanks to all that offered help. First I'm terribly impatient second I put a new switch in bc the last one didn't act right even though it worked and changed the electrolytics, my amp teacher has a saying if you come across an amp/pedal that is more than 3 yrs old a 80-90 percent chance of solving the problem off the bat is to change the elecs well problem solved. I would love to say that I have 2 Thomas organs although I suspect one to be a king wah although I could be wrong my 90 rev e and a newer Dunlop both the newer ones are true bypass resistor mods and tranny swaps and I will put my 90 rev e to Amy wah put there the highs are crisp the middle sweep goes for days and the lows are nice and rounded. Just a great funk wah but does great for blues and metal. I'm about to mess w the inductors when I get the order In from joe gagan. But I don't think on the rev e board you can go min better short end of it. Keep an eye out for them they are harder to come by than the organs in my opinion but are great. Have a great one guys and thanks for the tips.


The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow