Crunch Box tone stack mod?

Started by Robertodue, June 10, 2017, 03:55:40 PM

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Hey guys, I had an idea to add a 3 knob tone stack to the crunch box....  I un-appologetically copied the Marshall tone stack and inserted it into the schematic (very crudely I might add)....  Before I actually build this thing I would like some input.... Is this going to work?  Problems you see?  Advice?  All constructive comments are welcome!


Worth trying on a breadboard at least. The question is does it have enough signal to punch through the tonestack? Options I would see would be placing the tonestack between the op amp stages, or possibly adding a FET recovery stage after the tonestack as you have it now. Plus tweaking cap values to get the best frequency response.


I totally agree with quiets Rob
A recovery stage was the first thing I think when saw your schematic.
Try to breadboard the Rat Fet recovery stage, or maybe the more simple and always usefull, Big Muff one.
This last one, with a change of resistors, you get a LPB1 and a LOT of volumen  ;)
To you, buffered bypass sucks tone.
To me, it sucks my balls.


But the crunchbox has got tons of output, I think the tonestack will not make it too quiet.
Of course a gain recovery stage won't hurt, but you can add it later.


Look at Marshall Guvnor and Shredmaster.


I tried something like this the other day and it worked really well on breadboard.



To you, buffered bypass sucks tone.
To me, it sucks my balls.


Replace the clipping diodes with LEDS I used yellow.

Mark Hammer

When inserting a tonestack on the output of any sort of clipping pedal, the question to consider is how likely you will be to use settings less than full drive/gain.  There will generally be enough output for solos, when the user has the gain set high.  But tonestacks can often introduce enough passive loss that more modest drive settings, even with the pedal volume up full, may not provide enough output for solos or to simply push the amp the way you'd like.  IN those instances, a level-recovery gain-stage, like sominka shows, is helpful.

But again, the need will depend on how you expect to use the pedal, as well as the extent of passive loss the tonestack introduces.


Yeah....  I was concerned about loss of output, but the crunch box (as reported above) has a TON of output and should be OK.  However, adding a post-tone gain stage couldn't hurt... :icon_biggrin: