Orange Squeezer Bias Trimpot Setting

Started by peterg, August 23, 2013, 10:55:33 AM

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I built the OS a while ago and adjusted the trimpot by ear. It sounded ok but not great. I recently read up on the trimpot setting and found out that the voltage at lugs 2 and 3 should be between 1.5 and 1.7. I adjusted the pot and now it sounds fantastic.

Getting the right setting took a lot of precision. The pot is set at around 9 o'clock. Is this the normal? If so I will reduce the trimpot from 10k to 5k and add a 5k resistor from lug 1 to ground to give more play to the pot on my next build.


Why not just use a multi-turn trimpot?  I don't think that there is a standard position or value for the bias trimmer in the OS since it will depend on the particular JFET you are using.  The trimmer is there to adjust for the great variances in JFETs, and the voltage numbers would be a better guide than trimpot position or value.  Most people adjust them by ear to somewhere between the range from distortion to no sound.  It is a small range - probably less than 1K from what I've read here - so a multi-turn pot makes sense.  You should also be able to get away with a 5K pot alone since your current value is about 2K (9:00 - unless you are using the other side which would make it 8K).  Adding a 5K resistor would put you out of range if the pot is currently at 2K.