Dual Amp ABY Box Question

Started by Hexjibber, August 23, 2013, 07:00:35 AM

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Hey guys,

I'm starting a new project where my set up is going to run like this;

First off, will this set up work? It makes sense to me! The reason for having it like this is I want to be able to go from clean gtr (gtr straight to gtr amp) to basically all the other pedals on in one stomp, I think I've achieved it by using a bypass loop first?

Second question is regarding the ABY box, I'm planning on building both the bypass loop box and ABY box, will I experience a volume drop when in 'Y' mode? I think I may need an active ABY box, any schems/layouts for this if so?

Had a look through the forum and can't seem to find a similar query to mine.

Hope you guys can help, cheers! :)



I don't fully understand what you're trying to do, but generally you don't want to have your guitar connected directly to more than one amp input at the same time. So I wouldn't do this with a passive ABY pedal. A buffered ABY would be better. Take a look at the AMZ Jfet Splitter (http://www.muzique.com/lab/splitter.htm). You could have it send your signal to different output jacks and play around with the switching to get it to go where you want. Even better would be something like this: http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/projects/15-boostersrouters/16-amp-aby-switcher-box
Nyt brenhin gwir, gwr y mae reit idaw dywedut 'y brenhin wyf i'.


Thanks for the reply man! Basically the band is a two piece noisy thing and I'm going to be getting the low end by sending the low octave effect out from the Micro POG into a separate bass amp, I'll be treating it like I would a bass amp hence the addition of fuzz (before POG due to buffer issues) for some extra beef! Then the rest is a basic guitar set up with some OD/fuzz going to a guitar amp. I've tried out the chain minus the splitter options and it sounds enormous but just want to have more control so I can have just the bass amp, just the guitar amp, both or none, gives you me a lot more options than just quiet/loud! ;)

Cheers for the links, they sound more like what I need rather than a passive set up, especially the GGG one, nice one :)



Well, you still might want to isolate your inputs. I have a very poor layman's understanding of these things, so maybe someone more knowledgeable can give a better explanation why, but in Y mode, you've got your ground connected to two different amps at the same time. This could cause hum or some sort of issues at some point. There can also be issues with the input impedance of both amps at the same time interacting with your pickups and causing volume issues.
Nyt brenhin gwir, gwr y mae reit idaw dywedut 'y brenhin wyf i'.