Clone Crunchbox hum

Started by DIMstompboxes, August 18, 2013, 05:51:29 AM

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Hello guys,
First post here, mind if I ask does your clone or original Crunchbox does the same...
I built a clone one and I love it when using it with just guitar and amp... great pedal no doubt..... BUT when I tried including it into my pedalboard whichever order in the chain and only this pedal is ON its noisy (loud hum)  ???
I'm using humbacker pickup and good power supply with existing 9 pedals on-board that include high gain Dr. Boogey and mt2 plus Tubescreamer no problem and never get that kind of loud hum with my stuff.
Is this inherent to Clone or even the original Crunchbox?
It's only waste of time and effort making it if I can't include this on my pedalboard, appreciate your tips and help.... :-\


no hum in the original or a clone either,its one of the most silent disto boxes.
maybe you have some patch cable or pedal that picks up hum and inject it in the chain


Good observation. 

If it's quiet on its own, using the SAME power supply as the rest of the board, I really think there's a few simple ways to make it quiet in the chain.   One trouble you may be having is if you are using a compressor, wah, chorus....and it's quiet...then you add distortion - by itself, THAT is going to create HISS, no matter what! The other pedals are not boosting your signal to such a huge degree, and are therefore not boosting existing noise by some insane amount.  But you say you're using other distortions ok, so we'll move on. 

HUM suggests to me a build error or a filtering problem that you may be able to correct pretty easily (see next paragraph). 

So, you have to do a couple things.  As suggested, remove sources of noise from the chain (good patch cords, a REALLY good power supply....).   Then you may have to filter the power supply inside your DIY stuff, at least this pedal (R>C to ground where the power plugs in); this is additional filtering.   And shield your input and output wires inside your stomps...just good construction practices that lessen noise.  Ground loops can hum badly, too.   Next time, post the schematic to what you're questioning, so we can talk about "R3, C1" and all that, to be on the same page  :icon_lol:

And when all else fails, you get a noise gate, since most of the hissy fit is when you're not playing   ;)
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


Hi alexradium/GibsonGM,
Yap definetely its an annoying hum not a hiss like a single coil hum but louder you can call it insane and not the usual/typical Dr boogey acceptable level.
Well I'm using multifx right now and my analog pedalboard as an option (if my wife will never use the car) but lately never frequently use them unlike before.
I sell of my wah and lyon chorus but lately I'm planning to look for a better one.
Here's my analog chain set-up as of now and where I put the Clone Crunchbox: But before without it I don't have an issue, well I may say tolerable in some amount of hum but natural with Distortion boxes.

AMP < BBE Sonic Stomp<AMZ mosfet booster<Rebote<DODFX 40B Eq<MT2<DR boogey<Clone Crunchbox<Ibanez TS9<Clone Ross Comp<Boss FV-500H< Guitar(humbacker)

All patch cable Behringer and Switch mode type Behringer 1700mA power supply from PB1000 pedalboard when I bought it.  Fender cable for guitar and into the AMP

Here what I did, I took off each pedal one by one and boiled down into just two
AMP <Clone Crunchbox < Clone Ross Comp < Guitar
BUT Still the same loud level hum indeed. I tried those pedals which I took off and its good, so my suspect is these two plus the cable patch between the two(behringer patch cable)
Also whenever I the touch the patch cable it ADD some more HUM  ??? I was thinking Behringer cable isn't high end as good as those Lava/George maybe.

Ok, maybe the patch cable. What curious me is when I reversed the two
AMP < Clone Ross Comp < Clone Crunchbox < Guitar
Switch ON the Crunchbox only...No Hum at all just like I said before using it alone is fine THEN I touch that patch cable no added HUM ??? its not the cable patch???
AND of course this is not the position I like to use my compressor although you can and many like this way.
BTW  Clone Ross Comp is a 3pdt TBP also the Clone Crunchbox.

Here's the link of the Clone Crunchbox schem



Case closed.. patch cable problem  >:(