Wampler Pinnacle Jfet voltages...do I look ok?

Started by alphadog808, September 29, 2013, 06:10:36 AM

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hey guys,
  I finished a pinnacle, and it sounds pretty good.  As I never had a real pinnacle, I'm not sure how close it sounds to the real deal.  That being said, I got the voltage measurements from my Q1-Q6 and some of them are close to the real pedal, and some seem further off.  

So...here are my voltages vs what is on the real wampler.  I only have trimmers for Q5 and Q6.  When I first trimmed the pedal, I noticed I was using a 9.6v power supply, I retested the voltages but didn't retrim Q6 yet, as it looks off and I can fix it with the trimmer.

Do you think I'm close enough on Q1-Q4?  If not, anything short of trimmers I can do?

Here's Wampler's...
Drain / Gate
Q1 4.72 / 0
Q2 8.98 / 2.99
Q3 4.78 / 0
Q4 8.98 / 2.99
Q5 3.59 / -1.68
Q6 3.86 / 0

Here's mine.
Drain / Gate
Q1 5.14 /0
Q2 8.94/2.98
Q3 5.06/0
Q4 8.94/2.98
Q5 4.06/.04
Q6 3.35/0

Any thoughts/recommendations?  Thanks in advance!

Oh, and for kicks and since I have the data in front of me, here is the voltages I got when I was using the 9.6v psu.
Q1 5.42 /0
Q2 9.49/3.17
Q3 5.53/0
Q4 9.49/3.16
Q5 1.10/0
Q6 2.8/0


What layout did you use? Any sound clips, pics etc..? Your voltages look alright to me but I would judge it by the sound. You can try to compare it with youtube videos if they are good quality and there are tons of them. Like I say.. if it sounds good, then it is good!
Doesn't matter what you did to get it... If it sounds good, then it is good!


Quote from: J0K3RX on September 29, 2013, 06:38:51 PM
What layout did you use? Any sound clips, pics etc..? Your voltages look alright to me but I would judge it by the sound. You can try to compare it with youtube videos if they are good quality and there are tons of them. Like I say.. if it sounds good, then it is good!
Hey man,  I ended up using the vero from tagboard effects.  After hearing people having problems with the jfets, I was preparing myself for a long road of troubleshooting after the build.  By some miracle, it fired up on the first try.  It sounds pretty good, but I wonder if it could sound better.  From the youtube vids I heard, it seems pretty close, but it's hard to know for sure, ya know? 

I guess I just wasn't sure how close the voltages had to be to be considered "good".  .1?  .5?  I have no clue.

I tried changing the Q5 an Q6 trimmers around and I'm not quite sure what the effect each does, but it does seem that one of them, Q6, I think makes the bass loose and flubby if it's too far off spec.  Thanks for the response man, I appreciate it.