Debugging a tonepad green big muff

Started by GiulioGratz, September 23, 2013, 01:28:52 PM

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I've already changed the bs170, because i had soldered it wrong. Could i have fried the diodes? I will try to rebuild it, maybe... i have also a rebote 2.5 "work in progress", so i think i'll wait to see if the M2 will work in that case. However, thank you very much for the help ;)


It's pretty easy to fry any semiconductor device if you let it get too hot.  But so long as your iron is hot and you're in and out quickly, there shouldn't be a problem.  Or use a heatsink.  Or both.  And search this forum for R.G.'s handy hints on how to solder.  It's a very useful read if you're a beginner (and if you've been soldering for 30+ years like me!).
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