Clyde McCoy wah bass mod?!?

Started by wako_kid, October 18, 2013, 04:20:56 PM

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I have recently/ successfully built a Clyde McCoy wah circuit , and it sounds amazing as it should!!! My question is. . I want to build another, however, I woild like to build a bass wah on this same circuit. . Does anyone have any idea  as to which components need to be changed to different values or exactly what needs to happen to make this work?


No-brain answer: double the value of all capacitors.

That shifts their action-point an octave lower.



the dunlop bass wah uses a .068 sweep cap ( cap betwixt ind and Q2 e).
there is an obscure dunlop factory doc that gives values for various versions of their wahs. listed is a clav-wah, which never saw light of day as a real product as far as i know - it lists a .22 sweep cap, which would be a very vomittey sounding thing for guitar.

i recently built a modded vox for a local clavinet guy playing in a funk band,  installed .024 sweep cap, the guy called friday to tell me how perfect the sweep is.
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