Does this Millenium Bypass schematic REALLY working?

Started by Rock_on, October 17, 2013, 06:11:10 AM

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Check it out.

Offboard Wiring no5 is what you need i think.

Works perfectly in all my builds
Warlord Custom



yes, it works, I've ever build a 4 in 1 effects just soldering millenium component' legs together without board.... kinda "dead bug style"  :icon_mrgreen:

bottom right


"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


Quote from: liagasg on October 17, 2013, 06:58:07 AM

Check it out.

Offboard Wiring no5 is what you need i think.

Works perfectly in all my builds

That's my problem. In our area, there's no 3pdt available.


Quote from: arma61 on October 17, 2013, 07:28:33 AM

yes, it works, I've ever build a 4 in 1 effects just soldering millenium component' legs together without board.... kinda "dead bug style"  :icon_mrgreen:

bottom right


are you using the same one I posted? well if yes, you're lucky! How the **** did you make it come to work?


Quote from: Rock_on on October 17, 2013, 12:38:41 PM
Quote from: arma61 on October 17, 2013, 07:28:33 AM

yes, it works, I've ever build a 4 in 1 effects just soldering millenium component' legs together without board.... kinda "dead bug style"  :icon_mrgreen:

bottom right


are you using the same one I posted?

yes! the very same picture, I have it on my book

Quote from: Rock_on on October 17, 2013, 12:38:41 PM
well if yes, you're lucky! How the **** did you make it come to work?
Luckily ? ;D

some (obvious but worth checking) suggestions
check pin out of the transistor
misure the resistor for the right value
try different LEDs

BTW which effect are you switching with it?


"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


EHX LPB-1. would it work with that one? or is there anything I should add to it?

im using a red LED and 330K resistor and 2N3904. pinout confirmed to be correct


Which one of the things in the link you gave are you using? Non of the millennium bypasses there use a 2N3904 or a 330k resistor.

R O Tiree

Firstly, that schem you linked to is not a Millenium Bypass. This is:

I have a suspicion that the vol pot or pull-down resistor on the output of the circuit board might be biasing the transistor into saturation no matter what position the switch is in.  Try something like a 2M resistor and see if you get a better result. fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...


yes, it's called True-Bypas with LED  :D

Reading the note it says adjust the resistor value if necessary for your particular transistor/LED

"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


Errrr that's not millenium, I'm not using this.
I browse in more with your link its truebypass yes with LED using volume resistance (in place with 330k in your case) Try omit the 330k and put 10k series between supply and collector then connect your volume wiper as suggested.
Using 2n3906 PNP if negative gnd OR 2n3904 NPN for positve gnd.
I would recommend source some Jfet just use the millenium.  Me too, before i'm using DPDT with millenium but I got some issue with highgain built. With 3pdt you can ground the circuit input when bypassed.
Good luck.


Ohhh, sorry guys. I just typed in the google millennium bypass and this one came out.

I know, Im one of the 3pdt die hard fan also (fan?). But that's expensive, I would order from another area for that let's say it would cost me 150-200 Php.

millennium bypass would cost me 50-60 php
and this one would cost me 15php only.

see the difference? I can make 2-3 tubescreamer (main) circuit with that money (Im referring to the 3pdt price).


Quote from: DIMstompboxes on October 17, 2013, 07:30:25 PM
Errrr that's not millenium, I'm not using this.
I browse in more with your link its truebypass yes with LED using volume resistance (in place with 330k in your case) Try omit the 330k and put 10k series between supply and collector then connect your volume wiper as suggested.
Using 2n3906 PNP if negative gnd OR 2n3904 NPN for positve gnd.
I would recommend source some Jfet just use the millenium.  Me too, before i'm using DPDT with millenium but I got some issue with highgain built. With 3pdt you can ground the circuit input when bypassed.
Good luck.

10k series? you mean 10 33k? or what?

i'll try this one.


Quote from: Rock_on on October 18, 2013, 11:30:23 PM
Quote from: DIMstompboxes on October 17, 2013, 07:30:25 PM
Errrr that's not millenium, I'm not using this.
I browse in more with your link its truebypass yes with LED using volume resistance (in place with 330k in your case) Try omit the 330k and put 10k series between supply and collector then connect your volume wiper as suggested.
Using 2n3906 PNP if negative gnd OR 2n3904 NPN for positve gnd.
I would recommend source some Jfet just use the millenium.  Me too, before i'm using DPDT with millenium but I got some issue with highgain built. With 3pdt you can ground the circuit input when bypassed.
Good luck.

10k series? you mean 10 33k? or what?

i'll try this one.




so I think I should use the 2n3906 negative ground right?
anyway, my 2n3904 is not wasted.. can you suggest some lpb-1 (simple yet effective) pedal before we close the discussion?

:icon_eek: :icon_surprised: please?


"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen



Quote from: Rock_on on October 20, 2013, 01:43:35 AM
Btw 2N3906 right?

Yes, 2n3906 for negative ground like those Ibanez and Boss pedals powering scheme.


Ah finally! All settled

New circuit to use my 2N3904 and true bypass with led circuit