Bridged connections

Started by madstayen, October 26, 2013, 06:38:06 PM

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Look at this aby looper. From the looks of it, it has one input (which is good), then it has an output to FX pedal A, and output to FX pedal B. From FX A I presume it should go to your amp, which makes sense of course! But from FX B it should also go to your amp, which doesn't make sense. How many amps do you know of that has more than one input???? I recon there is some out there, but for most of us we only have one input. So this means you should bridge the to connections after the two FX pedals (two leads into one) and then have one only going into your amp. Is this correct? Doesn't make sense ???
DON'T PANIC!!!! Yes, I know I have TATTOOS! No, I'm NOT a drug dealer (and no I don't really care about how they'll look when I'm older). Just let me do my thing!!!!!!!


I think this kind of thing is used more often to switch between two amps, perhaps with different pedals in between.

To do it the way you're thinking would require some sort of mixing on the way into the amp, and would leave the chain which is not selected at the switch dumping all of its noise into the amp anyway.  It would really want some other switching arrangement altogether.


Yeah that's what I assumed. I think it should work if you use fet switching or maybe opamp switching. That way you would be able to control which line is active and which is dormant, :icon_idea: and have the choice of more than just A-B switching, could even be something like (A/B/C/D, A+B+C+D, A+B, A+C, A+D, B+C etc. ) Gives me something to think about.
DON'T PANIC!!!! Yes, I know I have TATTOOS! No, I'm NOT a drug dealer (and no I don't really care about how they'll look when I'm older). Just let me do my thing!!!!!!!


And A/B switch is NOT a is an A or B switch.  This is mainly used to switch between 2 different amps/inputs. 

I used about the same setup to switch from my main amp to a smaller one I drove a talkbox with.   Sounds like what you're looking for is more in the realm of splitter/blender?   You trying to parallel effects?
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


QuoteYou trying to parallel effects?

??? ??? ??? ???
DON'T PANIC!!!! Yes, I know I have TATTOOS! No, I'm NOT a drug dealer (and no I don't really care about how they'll look when I'm older). Just let me do my thing!!!!!!!