boss ce-3 wont turn off

Started by fatfoot51, November 01, 2013, 09:44:50 PM

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Hello ladies and gentlemen.. I had a question about my boss chorus pedal.. Does the 2sc945p flip flop portion of the circuit control the off and on (bypass to effect on) in the pedal? If so how would I tell which one is bad and which replacements should I use? The circuit for the effect works.. I think the switch itself is still good and the input jack is in good condition... Other than that I don't know what went wrong.. Thanks for all your help!


The flip-flop does indeed control the effect on/off status (as well as driving the indicator LED).  I've seen a variety of common-or-garden NPNs put to use in this type of circuit - the 2SC945 isn't critical.  BC546, for example.  BOSS themselves employed plenty of variation.

Check out R.G.'s very informative "The Technology of JFET Switching in Boss and Ibanez Pedals" over at GEOFEX.
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


the push-button switch itself is the #1 place to look for problems in boss bypassing, isn't it?
" I will say no more "