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Boss GE7 Mod

Started by msurdin, September 28, 2007, 05:51:43 PM

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Hey Guys

I was wondering if there are any mods out there to make the ge7 more quiet and also to make the "0" setting on the frequencies "flatter" It seems even with everything at "0" there still is some frequencie changes. I have read about it being done.. so I was wondering if any of you knew how...




I just got a used GE-7 too. I like it but it's kind of noisy, isn't it? :icon_neutral:

There used to be a nice thread about this but I can't find it anymore. But this schematic has some mods listed in the corner:

The thread on this forum also mentioned replacing the opamps. You'll want to replace the tantalum tone caps (C2, C4, C5, C7, C9, C10) with film caps as well. These mods are to make it quieter. I'm not sure how to address your flat response issue, though. Can't you just turn it off if you want a flat response?


Well, when i am using it i am only boosting about 4 frequencies...the rest are cuts or on i really want it to respond flatter


Here's Marty's thread with the "low noise mods"

Heres the thread where he discovered that the GE-7 is the ONLY EQ that adds noise when CUTTING frequencies.
It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith


Quote from: Pushtone on September 28, 2007, 06:57:34 PM
Here's Marty's thread with the "low noise mods"

Thank you, that's the one I was thinking of. It doesn't show up when you do a search on "GE-7." :icon_confused:


Searching 'Boss GE-7' brought it up OK , well worth doing as the improvement is VERY obvious.
I ended up with TL072´s in mine and a few that I've done since, helps with battery use - but mine is
on a PSU the whole time.
Enjoy,  Marty.
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Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but i'm going to do this mod to mine, as it is really noisy. I want the hiss gone.
Is there a consensus on which op-amps to use for the best possible performance? I will be using a PSU exclusively, so high current draw is not really an issue.
Are the NE opamps significantly quieter than the easier to source TL072 chips?

Also, one question for those wanting to do the mod with low current draw, would the TL062 chip be a suitable replacement?


I've heard rumors of something called the "sniper" mods done by some dude named Kevin.  Is there any consensus on what these amounted to?


Forgot which op amps I swapped in (same pinout of course). But I improved measured s/n ratio significantly.  Look up "low noise equivalent/ replacement for whatever's in there. The bands add noise because they are totally defeated when the slide pot is in the detent position.  I consider that a good thing.  Changing cap types can't do much for that.
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