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Klon Klone

Started by hulsmeier, December 08, 2013, 05:10:10 PM

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I was hoping someone could help me.

I've built the Klon Klone pedal following the top schematic from this brilliant website
This the second pedal I've built and as usual when it comes to plugging in it doesnt work.

I have a feeling I've messed the offboard wiring. The Led does not light up, theres no sound either. I can get some faint noise when touching the 5th and 6 th terminal on the footswitch. Does anyonee have a clue as to what it could be? I used this for the offboard wiring.

Please help, I look forward to your replies


I've had a few Klons that had LED and switching issues. The DPDT's I use (X-wing type) often have issues with the middle lug that connects to ground. It pops out of place very easily during soldering. I don't know why that lug in particular does it, but it's worth checking out.

If that isn't it, I'd double check the vero and maybe run a hobby knife between the traces just to be sure.
Nyt brenhin gwir, gwr y mae reit idaw dywedut 'y brenhin wyf i'.


May not necessarily be the offboard wiring because the effect is buffered bypass.  I did my best to look it over based on your photo, but it's tricky to follow twists of the same color of wire.

I would second the suggestion of running a knife between the traces.  While you have it out, snap a second photo of the back side of that board.  Maybe something can be spotted there.

Otherwise, start collecting the info suggested in: "DEBUGGING - What to do when it doesn't work"


^ typing while I was looking.

welcome, hulsmeler. did you test yr unit before putting it into the box? I see a lot of opportunities for jambs, there.
Katy who? what footie?