Fender Bandmaster (blackface era) project recommendations?

Started by mordechai, December 19, 2013, 03:21:27 PM

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Can anyone recommend a circuit project that attempts to emulate the Bandmaster from the mid-60s era?  The ROG Azabache is really neat but I'm just looking for a simpler, dedicated platform to capture that sort of tone, which maybe requires modding an existing design that's close to it.  I'd like to hear any thoughts or suggestions.


Are you looking for a pedal? For an amp? A preamp? From a kit? Just a schematic? Do you want it clean or have gain? Do you need the vibrato?

I believe that majority of the blackface amps had very similar, if not identical, preamps in the normal channel. There is a schematic and multiple layouts for the Alembic F2B modded to run on 9V with FETS. There is also a Russian blackface type circuit that has had a few bites around here, but I'll have to look for it when I get home. Perhaps you can find it with the search or someone else can post it.


I should have been more specific, sorry.  Yes, I'm looking for a stompbox device that can run at 9V and which does allow for clipping.  I hadn't heard of that Alembic project. I'll go look it up, but I'm curious about any other ideas people have had for this...


Can you give us a model number? There's a table on wikipedia of bandmaster models. There doesn't seem to be any particular "mid sixties" model, or any new designs during the Blackface era, so I assume you probably want one of the 1963 models.

I might try knocking something together on a breadboard if you can give me a model number. Also, do you want all the tone controls e.t.c. or do you want it simplified to a gain-tone-volume kind of thing?
If at first you don't succeed... use bigger transistors!



Wow...perfect!  I can't believe I didn't think about this before.  Plus it looks like there are some good places to experiment with some mods.  Many sincere thanks!