Acoustic 360 Bass Fuzz

Started by moosapotamus, November 10, 2013, 11:07:56 PM

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who's brain dead, charlie?
yeah, q2.. ;)

yeah, anywhere there's a grounded emitter gus usually reccomends a resistance instead... may lose a little gain, but the biasing goes crazy sometimes if the voltage changes..

gus did some sims in my thread about the "swinger box" and the changes in bias dependent on voltage were STARTLING. i was really kinda bugged out by how different it sounded on a battery than a wart!!

was like two different boxes... i'm playing with trying to get a bit of resistance in there so the tone stays consistent. it sounds DEADLY with a battery and humbuckers... with a battery, single coils are noisy as hell!!! with humbuckers, dead silent.
when you put a power supply to it tho, it's dead quiet either way, but it loses what sounds like about a 1/4-1/3rd of a turn on the fuzz pot.
it's also dead quiet on the power supply with single coils.

drove me NUTS for a couple hours trying to debug, cuz it didn't do it until i boxed it... or, rather, i didn't notice it until then, before that i'd run it on the wart while building and testing, and i assumed it was a kinda low gainish fuzz, but man, put a battery to it and it gets brutal.

these things will drive ya crazy if ya let 'em.

hey, happy holidays, btw! peace out. ;)
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


Well, I didn't let it bug me very much because I do not like using batteries anyway. A decent power supply is a way better way to set up a pedalboard.

Yea, Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year! Happy, happy! 8)

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Just a quick update... So, I found some time to work on powering this with a single 9V battery. I think it's actually fine as is. Volume is slightly lower with a battery, so you just need to turn it up. But, as the battery dies, the gain and amount of fuzz does start to decrease. I was able to still get a decent fuzz sound with an old battery that I measured as 5.9VDC. I had to turn the volume almost all the way up, but it still sounded pretty good. Powering with a fresh 9V battery or a 9V power supply sounds almost the same. I also measured the current draw as 6mA, so a single battery should hold up for quite a while, too.

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."