Beavis audio not posting since 2012?

Started by Will.mendil, March 06, 2014, 04:27:05 PM

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I am sure someone has asked since then but is beavis audio still building? Is website hasn't been active since 2012? What's up???!!!
Don't know what to do with a paritculare transistor? Check this website where stompbox pedals are listed by what transistors they use


Dano12 - 3/20/12. This quote is from a thread where someone asked what happened to the site (it was down).

'Hi all, sorry for the delay in responding. Yes, life has interfered with beavis over the last few years. As you've probably noticed, there haven't been any updates or new projects for quite a while.

What can I say? Difficult times, a big change in my personal life, health issues, the whole shebang.

I'm going to try to find time next week to get the domain renewed and get the site back up and running.

Thanks to all for the concern, however PLEASE NO DONATIONS. I'll work over the next few days to issue refunds to all those kind souls who have been so generous, but I really need to fix all this on my own, part of the healing process you know  Please do not take offense, your kindness has been really incredible, and speaks volumes about the family-like nature of the DIY community.

Onward and upward, and hope to have the site back online.



Don't know what to do with a paritculare transistor? Check this website where stompbox pedals are listed by what transistors they use


I joined the forum around about the time Dano disappeared, but his website had been on my favourites list since way before that. Every so often I go back to it which makes me wonder whether he is still posting stuff.

I think that whatever is going on he has decided to take an extended hiatus from diy as there is other stuff going on in his life that takes priority. Props to the guy though, his site is pretty much a starting point for many diy-ers and he has obviously contributed a lot to the community. I just hope the fella is doing alright and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way.

Like someone else pointed out recently, some of these guys have contributed a whole heap of stuff and then disappeared as they haven't got time in their schedule to keep their finger on the pulse as far as stompbox building is concerned; I think tonepad may have been another example mentioned recently. I think the most we can do is keep the resources alive, credit the right people and wish them all the best until they return one day :)
"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over." - FZ