Where to buy 1/2" or thinner, set screw pot knobs

Started by nate77, March 25, 2014, 02:48:41 AM

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I've put together an azabache and an umble from ROG, both on PCB from th customs, and the pots are board mounted, which I love, but they're quite close together. All of the knobs that I've got are a but too large, so I need to get some that'll fit. The pot shafts on all of them are smooth so I need a set screw style inlet hole. I've looked on smallbear and a few other places and I can't determine if some the 1/2" diameter knobs are knurled or straight shaft mount. Anyone have any experience or ideas where these can be found?


These are very narrow (1/2"), with set-screw.  And they come in different colors:


I am using them on splined shafts, but would say they would think they will work on either type (smooth). 
I used to really be with it!  That is, until they changed what "it" is.  Now, I can't find it.  And, I'm scared!  --  Homer Simpson's dad


These are 1/2" and set screw.   There are others on page 3 of Knobs. The smallest that Steve has - I emailed him this very question.  
Color versions of the one listed in 1st reply.  And...  Clear!
Tapflo filter, Gator, Magnus Modulus +,Meathead, 4049er,Great Destroyer,Scrambler+, para EQ, Azabache, two-loop mix/blend, Slow Gear, Phase Royal, Escobedo PWM, Uglyface, Jawari,Corruptor,Tri-Vibe,Battery Warmers


Steve has several 1/2" aluminum knobs near the bottom of page three of his knobs listings (natural metal color or black).  They have set screws.  The cost is higher, but IMHO the look and feel of the aluminum knobs is much nicer than the plastic ones.

petey twofinger

i just used those taydas and they do fit the bill .

all though i wasnt so thrilled on the quality ,. they aren't horrible , but nothing to write home about , the set screw seemed to be  a bit fragile , but i  am sure i could have fond a better driver . 

im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself


No, no, no Petey, the Taydas are horrible, horrible in the plastic used, the colouring, the hollow construction, blah... they are cheap and they scream it in every detail... treat yourself to the Small Bear's.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown


I have a ton of Tayda knobs. I love Tayda, that is where I get most of my components now, because they're reliable, inexpensive and the shipping is variable and fast. That being said, there are some things that are crap. Some of the 1/4" set screw knobs I've got are actually too tight to fit on a pot shaft. I've broken a few pot shafts trying to jam them on OR rip them off. Uncool. The thing that gets me is that knobs are comparatively quite expensive as an aesthetic component. I probably will have to spring for the small bear ones. Thanks guys.

Mark Hammer

If a person was really nuts about slender-osity, why not just use some of the 9mm aluminum-shaft pots, and slip two pieces of distinctively-coloured heat-shrink tubing over the shaft?  (Making sure to shrink the first piece before applying the second over top)  Heat shrink comes in a delightful bevy of colours too, and it's hard to get cheaper.  The chief drawback is that they don't cover the retaining nut and washer, so, a wee bit of a cosmetic demerit.


First of all, Mark, slender-osity has just been added to my DIY vocab. Secondly, that's a pretty slick idea. I think I'll give that a shot. Thanks again guys for all of your quick and consise answers.



Just buy a few of the SmallBear aluminum knobs and run your fingers over the soft knurling.  The sweet feel of tightening the set screws without the ever impending terror of stripping out some cheapo plastic crap, and the firm connectivity between knob and pot and you will be convinced.  Cheap knobs are, after all, just cheap knobs.  Quality knobs add a touch of class to your work.



I'm always trying to save a buck or two, but it is hard to argue with that logic. Thanks man


> too tight to fit on a pot shaft

Get a proper 1/4" drill bit and ream them out.

(There is a rounded-down Metric size that is "almost" 1/4" but won't fit true-1/4" shafts.)

With a fresh drill-bit in low-cost knob, you can probably just clamp the bit in vice (or vice-grips) and rotate the knob onto it until it bottoms. (I would not try the power-drill without GOOD knob clamping.)

OR... I used to use 1/4" vinyl pipe-caps as knobs.

Nice knobs ARE nicer.


I wish nicer knobs came in colors. The right color knobs really set off the look of a build! But color only comes with bad quality. You know what would be really, really nice? Knurled aluminum knobs with bright, thick ceramic coating or powder coat!


I have a tendency to do stupid things with my knobs. glue felt under them, sand the under-rims smooth, and sometimes I use spakfiller to bog-up the empty insides of plastic push-ons, to add some heft/solidity.

tayda really need to rationalise their pots to knobs ranges. all those knobs in colours, for plain shafts, but they don't carry half the range you might want (ie, log pots, plain shaft). and no knobs for splines that you would want to use.

and, I haven't used any of the knobs I ordered from them yet, but the more I look closely at the other stuff I got from them, the more I understand their pricing. they might not get another order from me.
" Hence the duck effect. "


Tayda has become my go-to place for simple components, pots (if they have the ones I need), 1/4" jacks and even enclosures. When I'm buildin for someone else, I'll use basic components (resistors, caps, etc) but moving parts and anything aesthetic ill get from somewhere else. The Marshall style knobs I guess are ok, but that's about it.