Little Angel PT2399 Chorus getting vibrato sound instead if Chorus

Started by nguitar12, May 18, 2014, 05:47:02 AM

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Just finish my building of Little Angel Chorus according to the above layout.
However I am getting a vibrato sound instead if Chorus
As I understand a Chorus should be consist of a dry signal and a slightly bended pitch sound
now I am getting only the bended pitch sound and make it more like a mild vibrato rather than a Chorus

I can see the Speed and the Depth pot is actually doing the job.

Here is the voltage measurement of IC/transistor:

Battery (Brand new opened): 9.17v

P1-5.16, P2-2.65, P3-0.11, P4-0.11, P5-3.38, P6-0.9, P7-1.25, P8-1.3, P9 to P18 - all are 2.63v

NE5532 (replaced by JCR4558)
P1-3.18, P2-3.29, P3-2.9, P4-0.09, P5-3.46, P6-4.31, P7-4.63, P8-9.17

C-0.19, B-0.76, E-0.08

I-9.17, G-0.08, O-5.16

I am sure my PT2399 chip are working since I try two different chip from different supplier and both are working on my deep blue delay pedal. It will be greatly appreciated if anyone can help me on this. Thanks


Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.


Quote from: Kipper4 on May 18, 2014, 07:01:00 AM
Have you probed it yet?

I have been working on this project for a whole day without success.
I really want to fix it since I love the sound of this pedal very much.
I can provide every information if someone need them.

Thanks in advanced


Pin 1 of the opamp shouldn't be stuck at 3 Volts, it should be flipping between nearly 9 Volts and 0 Volts, the speed it does this should be controlled by the speed pot. If this isn't working then you'll have no modulation and just get a short fixed delay. I'd start by checking all the components and connections round that half of the opamp.


Quote from: slacker on May 18, 2014, 07:21:22 AM
Pin 1 of the opamp shouldn't be stuck at 3 Volts, it should be flipping between nearly 9 Volts and 0 Volts, the speed it does this should be controlled by the speed pot. If this isn't working then you'll have no modulation and just get a short fixed delay. I'd start by checking all the components and connections round that half of the opamp.

oh ya sorry I can actually see the voltage jumping now
May be I take the measurement too quick and didn't notice it

But still the pedal is not working...only a very clean delay....


UPDATE: I find that i mixed up the value of C2 and C4. It is now fixed.
However I am getting a vibrato sound instead if Chorus
As I understand a Chorus should be consist of a dry signal and a slightly bended pitch sound
now I am getting only the bended pitch sound and make it more like a mild vibrato rather than a Chorus
I can see the Speed and the Depth pot is actually doing the job.

Am I missing a dry signal or what?

Waiting for someone to help. Thanks


Yes, that assumption would be correct.

The odd thing is, because the opamp there is shared by both the delayed and dry signal, the fact you're getting the vibrato'd signal means its function correctly. The only thing to check would be the 10kiloohm and 0.1uF cap that mix in the dry signal (C12 and R20 on the layout). Check if you got the values right and for bad solder joints.


Quote from: Seljer on May 18, 2014, 11:39:39 AM
Yes, that assumption would be correct.

The odd thing is, because the opamp there is shared by both the delayed and dry signal, the fact you're getting the vibrato'd signal means its function correctly. The only thing to check would be the 10kiloohm and 0.1uF cap that mix in the dry signal (C12 and R20 on the layout). Check if you got the values right and for bad solder joints.

Yes I am sure the value of C12 and R20 are correct.
Just wondering what is the role pt2399 is playing in the is circuit?
I  can't fingering out why a delay IC is used in the chorus circuit


Quote from: nguitar12 on May 19, 2014, 02:03:30 AM
I  can't fingering out why a delay IC is used in the chorus circuit

Chorus is a modulated short delay, mixed with the dry signal.

Edit: my original comment described vibrato - oops!
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


UPDATE: Just connected a  100k pot to pin 6 of pt2399. I can get a single delay with the delay time set by the pot. So The PT2399 is actually working. So what do you guys think now is missing?


The dry signal.

Double, if not triple check those parts (with a meter if you can) and their solder joints. If the delayed wet vibrato sound is there thats the only thing that can be wrong.