Opamp to run at 5volt supply?

Started by knutolai, June 08, 2014, 09:33:28 AM

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I'm looking for a dual op amp that will run at 5 volt supply voltage from a 78L05 regulator. The 75L05 delivers a voltage between 4.6 and 5.4 volt according to its datasheet. Looking at the datasheets for the NE5532 and the LF353 I find the recommended supply voltages confusing.

The LF353 specifies Vcc+ MINIMUM as 3.5V and Vcc- MINIMUM as -3.5V. Does this mean its recommended minimum supply is 3.5 volt bipolar (7 volt uni-polar)?

The NE5532 specifies Vcc+ MINIMUM as 5V and Vcc- MINIMUM as -5V (min. 10V unipolar?), but I've run this chip as a substitute for tl072s in 9V circuits many times without problems.

Could anyone take a second look at these datasheets?
http://www.taydaelectronics.com/datasheets/A-033.pdf (top of page 2)
http://www.taydaelectronics.com/datasheets/A-031.pdf (top of page 3)


QuoteDoes this mean its recommended minimum supply is 3.5 volt bipolar (7 volt uni-polar)?
Yes, that is the recommended minimum. Doesn't mean it won't work lower, just that if it doesn't work, its your problem and not the manufacturer's.

You probably ought to look at rail-to-rail opamps, most of which are specifically designed for low-voltage battery circuits, operating even below 2.7V!


Thanks for the suggestion. Found the rail-to-rail TLC2272 at Tayda. Looks like it works down to 2.2V bipolar.  :icon_smile:


> op amp that will run at 5 volt supply voltage from a 78L05 regulator.

So run it on the un-regulated supply. Most op-amps have excellent supply-crap rejection. (If the supply is really dirty, 100r+100uFd helps a lot.) Unless it is over 36V, it is safe for the old-school op-amps.


Quote from: PRR on June 08, 2014, 10:56:49 PM
Unless it is over 36V, it is safe for the old-school op-amps.
At those kind of voltages, I'd be more worried about the regulator
If at first you don't succeed... use bigger transistors!


From the top of my head, don't forget the TLC2262.


Quote from: knutolai on June 08, 2014, 11:46:30 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. Found the rail-to-rail TLC2272 at Tayda. Looks like it works down to 2.2V bipolar.  :icon_smile:

I got a few samples of these from TI.  I'm running this one directly as a simple 11x amplifier at 3.3V supply (0-3.3) and it works fine.  As I'm piping it into a 12 bit ADC and back out a resistor ladder DAC I can't really speak to what it sounds like beyond 'fine' as well.