Idea, effects loop auto pan

Started by Luke51411, August 16, 2014, 11:22:26 PM

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I've been working on a skippy tremolo and I had the idea, probably not original, kind of quirky and maybe not that useful but... What if you used an lfo to control a loop to pan between parallel effects loop? Say you have fx send 1 and 2 at one end of the lfo pulse you have full signal from #1 and at the other end you have #2. For instance at the pulse peak you would have distortion and at the valley you would have full clean or chorus and not chorus etc, you get the idea... Maybe... If not, ask and I'll try to clarify. I'm mostly wondering if it has been done before, I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. Any thoughts, comments, criticisms, info are much welcomed.


its been visited, but theres nothing on the market, as far as i know

look  in the stompboxology stuff at moosapottamus, in the envelope article


but i REALLY like the idea. i played with it a bit when i was dumber, but i guess its time to revisit the idea

I like the endless textural possibilities, especially if you allow for crossfading as well as independent fade in/out of either effects chain.

oh crap i just realized youre talking about using an lfo. I was thinking envelope driven and/or triggered. though i guess its all still pretty useful, two sides of a coin. Dig around stompboxology anyway


I also had the thought of having envelope triggered panning as a possibility, as you say, different sides of the same coin!


Have a look at this article from R.G. it covers pretty much everything you need to build such a device.


I should have figured RG had it covered, thanks.