Phaseur fleur speed switch help

Started by vacuumdust, February 08, 2015, 10:05:16 AM

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I really only use 2 speed settings on my PF witch I have marked with sharpie by the speed pot. I'm thinking of measuring the resistance of each position and putting them on a stomp switch with dedicated resistors. (I'll use the vacant speed pot as a volume control rather than a trimmer :)). It would be ideal to incorporate a slow ramping up and down when switching between the 2 speeds like a Leslie but here's where my knowledge falls short. Any help??  I don't want an expression pedal controlled speed...I thought about that but It would be inconsistent and inaccurate. And would be yet another pedal to find space for.  Thanks!!


Good god. I did some searches and realized I asked this exact question 2 years ago. Ugh. I was pointed in the direction of R.G. Keen's solution to ramping between speeds on the phase 90 at Geofex.  Either I never saw it or thought it was over my head...didn't get how to incorporate it into the PF. I'll take a closer look.