Need help with zombie chorus (NO SOUND)

Started by jamal, February 13, 2015, 02:14:25 PM

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No wait, the output on the MN3007 has changed and now sounds like this:
(don't know if it's a consequence of messing with the rate control)


jamal, can I ask a slightly off-topic question about your images? I will anyway. all those links you've provided lead to "an image on a page", rather than "an image". you can post an image in the thread, but a page won't show. when I visit "the page", there is tons of carp that I'm not really interested in, takes ages to load and eats my download allowance, which all serves to decrease the enjoyments of my "innernets experience", as they call it.

on "the page", there is a column of links, supposedly, tailored for different posting places.  the "IMG Code ..." is the one to paste in the thread. is that what you post (that was the question, by the way)? any of those that I click, then paste, anywhere turns instantly to a ..... &s=8 looking link, a page link. but when I right clik the image on the page, and "copy image address", it give me the image address, ie .jpg which displays here, like this (I've size restricted it):

those two top left white wires look very close to touching. do you, or anybody else know if this is the standard practise of tinypic?
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


I am using the code that says it's meant to be used for IM and e-mail. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, in the future I'll use the one meant for the use in forums, so that other members don't have to open the image in the tinypic site. And thank you for the warning about the white wires but that doesn't solve the problem either :C


can you do a test post for me? just copy and paste one of the "IMG Code ..." links provided, I wanna see what happens.
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


Try adjusting the bias trimmer. The 3007 needs a certain DC voltage on pin 3 from the first amp in order to pass clean audio. It sounds as though it might be trying to.

I take it you don't have an oscilloscope, you can't check the 4046 is clocking the 3007 properly without, although the voltages suggest it could be.
Is your soldering iron ESD safe? If not, it may have some voltage on the tip that could have damaged something - which is why it's not a good idea to solder a sensitive device like the 3007.


Thank you só much for your help anotherJim, but since I don't think i'll be able to debug this circuit, I have decided to start the project again with a diferent (and verified) schematic. I'll tell you how it turns up.