Compressor with clean blend and loop

Started by Mr. Lime, December 26, 2014, 12:04:03 PM

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Mr. Lime

I am planning to build myself a compressor with some mods.

It's basically a Ross Compressor but I want to add a clean blend with a loop.
With the loop I want to mix a distortion pedal to the clean compressed sound.

Someone has done something similar before in this thread:

I would like to blend the clean signal with a different methode, just like roseblood11 did with his Rosescreamer using a single Op-amp.

The original output pot is 100k B, with the blend circuit it would be 10k, is this alright?
Would the new blend methode work?

Thanks a lot
best regards

Mr. Lime

Here's what I came up with:

I added beside the clean blend a loop for external effects in parallel.
There are two new switches too, a jangle switch and a "distortion" switch.

I can't say how the distorion will sound like, but I saw this mod some time ago and it seems to work.
Any suggestions how I could improve the distortion part?